
Marketing and Communications blog
Freshly graduated and addicted to inspirational bloggers, musings about my career and tools I find fun or useful.

What are you Working For?


How much is your work worth?

How would you charge for your work if you could charge anything? I mean, really anything.

I'd be tempted to charge myself out for cello lessons or Cirque du Soleil tickets. My work for my boss today was worth at least one cello lesson and half a Cirque du Soleil ticket... I might have found the perfect person to replace me, and I'd say that alone is worth a ticket to Saltimbanco and a nice dinner afterwards...

My point is... I think we've lost sight of the reasons why we go to work.

The dream is to go to work to earn enough money to be able to buy a nice house and have nice kids and have a nice retirement... but one of my parents has a job which costs as much as it pays. It costs money in petrol, car expenses, uniform, taxes, etc. In this case, the personal benefits of the job are worth the expenses, but the question needs to be asked: what are you working for?

What do you love? If you could set your own hourly rate, how would you charge? What are you working for?

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