
Marketing and Communications blog
Freshly graduated and addicted to inspirational bloggers, musings about my career and tools I find fun or useful.

And the Winner is #4!


Today is all about the number 4 - congratulations Zena! I had the imaginary number four picked in my mind, so you shall be the lucky recipient of some genuine Australian candy. I'll get in touch with you through our class mail to handle the details :)

And, on the theme of #4, my fourth favorite blogger is:

  1. Seth Godin
  2. Nie Nie (aka Stephanie Nielson)
  3. Anecdotes and Apple Cores 
  4. Green Wedding Shoes - wedding and design blog - www.greenweddingshoes.com
I don't know much about the author of this blog (Jen Campbell), except that she only shared one photo from her own wedding, while she shares all the intricate details from numerous wedding around the country each week. I searched high and low for it, but it seems to have disappeared entirely...

Jen's blog is a step away from the usual blog, because she rarely shares her own stories, but her posts are still so authentic and captivating. I know all about Monet's broken wine glass last week, but I couldn't even tell you if Jen drinks from glasses, because she rarely shares anything personal. What keeps her blogs so interesting? She shares intimate, personal details from hundreds of other people.

We live vicariously through these strangers and their romantic fairytales...

(a good thought to keep in mind for your own blogging - you don't have to tell your story, just make sure you tell a good story)

I'm not married, nor am I soon planning to be, but I keep coming back for the beautiful, thoughtful, personal design of each event.

My personal favorite is Ben + Catie's 1940's themed wedding. I might be biased, because I share an unusual name with the bride, but the simplicity and confidence of their style was stunning.


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